Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education (MPDE)
Diversity Career Fair
Saturday March 16, 2024
10100 AM – 2:00 PM
Blanche Ames Elementary School
North Easton, MA

MPDE is made up of 50 public school districts across Massachusetts. Come meet representatives from each district and hear about the many openings we have.

Registration Form:

Registration Form for Virtual Prep Session 3/3 at 4-5PM:



We Anticipate Openings in the following areas for the 24'-'25 School year! 


Kindergarten- Grade 5 

Grades 6-12 

District- Wide K-12 

Over Aged, Under-Credited High School 




Equal Opportunity Employer 

Waltham Public Schools has partnered with the Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education (MDPE) in our effort to welcome diverse candidates to our school system. We value and prioritize the hiring of educators who bring a wealth of perspectives and experiences to our schools, and who reflect the diversity of the students we serve. The Waltham Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.



Job Requirements


Contact Information 

Human Resources 
617 Lexington Street
Waltham, MA 02452
Phone: (781) 314-5738 or (781) 314-5709